Monday, October 21, 2013

Dealing with Diabetes Naturally

Q: Hi. I’ve recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I’ve heard that take a cinnamon supplement can help lower my blood sugar.  I want to do something natural for my diabetes.  Is this something your recommend? -Jeanie

A: Hello Jeanie! Thanks for your question.  Your query about supplementing with Cinnamon is one I hear often.  There are approximately 26 million people in the US with Diabetes1 and a greater proportion of those are searching for a natural way to cope with their situation all of the time.  Before we go on to the specific supplements I would recommend I should point out that Diabetes is a serious condition and you should absolutely partner with your professional health care provider and/or pharmacist before beginning any diet or supplement program designed to address your condition.  That being said, let’s dive in!

Type 2 diabetes is a series of dominos that fall in unfortunate sequence.  Whether genetic or environmental in origin, diabetes causes the cells to react incorrectly to insulin in the blood.  You take in sugar, the pancreas produces insulin and delivers it to the cells.  Eventually, as the cells become overexposed to insulin they begin to lose sensitivity (due to a reduction in receptor sites) to its effect and now more glucose remains in the bloodstream.  This increase in glucose in the blood causes the pancreas in turn to try to desperately produce more insulin to take care of the extra blood sugar which causes the cells to become even more resistant to the extra insulin and do you see what’s happening here…?  The effects of this that you will see early on is increased fat storage, especially in the abdominal area, and psychological effects.

What do you do?  Exercise and proper diet are your first step.  You can find lots of good diet and exercise recommendations on the American Diabetes Association website (

So to your original question: Cinnamon? The short answer is yes, taking cinnamon has been shown to help reduce blood sugar levels. But I don’t like short answers J so I’m going to broaden my response!

Cinnamon has been shown to help dull the effects of sugar intake on overall blood sugar levels.  It is worth noting that if you are going to eat your cinnamon, know that Ceylon Cinnamon is the type that has been studied for its diabetic support properties.  Also know this: that if you have liver issues you may want to avoid cinnamon as it does contain a small amount of a substance known to be toxic to the liver.

Additionally, the following supplements have been shown to also support diabetes control.
  • Alpha-Lipoic Acid: 200mg per day has been shown to aid in the protection of nerves and may be a treatment for peripheral neuropathy2.  Additionally, it may help to increase insulin sensitivity in cells in the early stages of diabetes3.
  • Biotin 8-16mg per day: May help to protect the beta-cells in the pancreas3.  This too may be helpful in the early stages of type 2 diabetes.
  • Chromium Picolinate 400-600mcg per day: May improve the efficiency of insulin in the body in order to lower blood sugar2.  This effect may be improved by coupling with 100mg of Niacin3.
  • Vanadyl Sulfate 50mcg twice per day (or as directed): May aid in the transport of glucose into the cells.  This seems to be most effective in individuals that are over-weight3.

There are of course a multitude of other supplements and considerations beyond these.  Feel free to write in additional questions or stop by Hoey Apothecary and we would be happy to meet with you. 

If you have a question about Sugar Control Support or any other wellness topic, feel free to email me

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