Monday, February 10, 2014

Top Ten Supplements for Heart Health

Q. What supplements do you typically recommend for improving overall heart health?

A. Great question! My answer is - it depends... Certain supplements offer particular benefits for different heart health conditions.  Since your question didn't reference any specific ailment, let me give you my top 10 supplements for heart health:

If you are at all concerned about your health (and if you are reading this I'm willing to bet that you are), then you know that the health of your heart is priority one. February is heart health month and there isn't a better time than now to start taking care of your ticker. Did you know that heart disease is the #1 killer in the United States? Heart disease kills more people every year than diabetes, respiratory failures, strokes, the flu, and auto accidents combined. If so much is riding on your heart's health then what can you do to prevent problems in the future? For our purposes, the better question may be: What supplements can you take to help bolster heart health and perhaps deal with the issues you are currently experiencing?

Here are the top 10 Best Ways to Supplement Your Heart Health:

Omega-3 - Supplementing with Omega-3 has been shown to provide a host of benefits including (but not limited to) eye health, mood support, joint support and reducing inflammation.  In addition to those however is that Omega-3 has been shown clinically to reduce the occurrence of arrhythmia, which can lead to sudden death, decrease triglycerides, lower blood pressure and reduce the build up of plaque in the arteries.  Omega-3 dosages vary but many health experts agree that supplementing with 2-3g per day can offer significant benefits.

CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10) - An antioxidant naturally produced by the body, CoQ10 is involved in the production of energy at the cellular level.  Multiple studies have indicated that those supplementing with CoQ10 have significantly reduced blood pressure by utilizing 100mg daily for a period of three months. CoQ10 may also be taken in conjunction with blood pressure medications to further increase their benefit and may lead to the reduction in prescribed dosages.  Studies have shown that taking CoQ10 after a heart attack may greatly reduce the chances of a repeat attack.

Red Yeast Rice - Naturally containing an active ingredient that is similar to many popular statin drugs, Red Yeast Rice is a popular herb for combating high cholesterol.  Double-blind studies have been performed in which patients supplementing with 1200mg twice daily of Red Yeast Rice saw large decreases in total cholesterol.  Like statin drugs, however, Red Yeast Rice may cause muscle soreness and fatigue. This can often be alleviated by taking 100mg of CoQ10 daily.

Garlic - Long believed to be a heart healthy supplement, Garlic has been studied multiple times by scientists and found to have benefits both in blood pressure and cholesterol.  Garlic contains an active ingredient called allicin which has been shown to increase blood vessel elasticity and to slow the build up of arterial plaque.

Niacin - A first choice for people looking to combat high cholesterol, Niacin was shown in a recent study to be more effective than a prescription medication in combating cholesterol levels.  Doses of Niacin vary but may be in the 250mg to 1000mg range daily.  Niacin does cause reddening of the skin and a tingling sensation in many people.  This is normal and indicative of the action it is taking.  It is very important to note that there are forms of Niacin available that claim to be non-flushing.  These forms are also known as inositol-hexanicotinate.  Non-flushing Niacin has not be shown to be effective for cholesterol control.

Vitamin D - Just when you thought that you had heard enough reasons to be using Vitamin D!  Deficiencies in this important vitamin have been linked to heart diseaseobesitydiabetes and high blood pressure. A recent study showed that those who were severely deficient in Vitamin D were twice as likely to have a heart attackstroke or other coronary event.  Supplementing with 2,000IU daily is commonly believed to be both a safe and prudent preventative measure.  In addition to that, Vitamin D aids in the absorption of calcium and magnesium which leads us to:

Magnesium - With Studies linking a deficiency in this important mineral to both high blood pressure and diabetes, supplementing with Magnesium becomes that much more important.  Those with diabetes have been shown to be 2-4 times more likely to develop heart disease.  Supplementing with Magnesium at a level of 400mg per day is sufficient for most.  As an added benefit, magnesium is important for bone strength and may also aid in the relaxation of muscles and the relief of stress.

Phytosterols - By competing for absorption in the intestines, phytosterols have been shown to have a significant effect on LDL levels in the blood.  These plant compounds may be taken along with statins and should be dosed at 300mg per day divided between meals.

Nattokinase - The hardening of the arteries, called atherosclerosis occurs due to the action of a substance called fibrin.  Fibrin is produced in response to factors such as inflammation and in turn captures cholesterol from the blood and binds it in its net-like structure.  Nattokinase may aid in the break down of the fibrin along the blood vessel walls thus preventing the build up of plaque.  Natto K should be taken at dosages of 100 to 200mg daily.

Hawthorne Berry - The extract from this medicinal herb has been shown to have a relaxing effect on the blood vessels.  By enhancing the blood flow it helps the heart to do less work which in turn lowers blood pressure.  In fact, studies have shown that Hawthorne Berry may even help to tone up the beating of the heart more effectively (and with fewer side effects) than drugs meant for the same purpose.

Taking care of your heart is not as simple as only taking certain supplements.  It is a process that involves proper diet, exercise and the avoidance of activities that may be detrimental to heart health.  Even still, if you are in the midst of battling heart disease or you are just looking to better your heart health proactively, using any combination of these heart healthy supplements just may help you achieve your goals.  I sincerely hope they do.

Remember that before beginning any diet or supplement plan to talk to your doctor, pharmacist or other healthcare professional particularly when it comes to the health of your heart!

Good luck and good health,
Joshua Long

1 comment:

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