Monday, January 20, 2014

5 Natural Ways to Boost Your Immune System

Q.  I feel like I am coming down with something. My throat is sore, my nose is stuffy and it feels like it’s getting into my chest.  What can I do to support my immune system?

A.  So sorry to hear that you are feeling under the weather! I’ve been talking to a lot of people recently that are in a similar situation.  The good news is that there are several things that you can do naturally to boost your immune system.  Let me tell you about my top 5:

1.         Think healthy, be healthy

Though it may sound like an oversimplification, focusing and meditating on health has been shown to make people feel better and in fact, healthier overall.  If you dwell on being healthy, you attract good health to yourself.  Just as someone who dwells on being successful often attracts success.  The flip is also true, if you tend to think negatively about your health.  Stay positive and be well.

2.         Echinacea

Probably the go-to immune boosting herb in the US, Echinacea has been shown to have wide-ranging benefits to the immune system.  Its actions range from activating macrophages and other immune cells to having direct anti-viral and bacteria-inhibiting effects.  Echinacea has helped me when I was down and I recommend it frequently.  It can even boost the immune system of healthy people if you’re going for pro-activity.

3.         Goldenseal

Similar in many ways to Echinacea, Goldenseal activates the immune system and kicks it into overdrive.  Goldenseal’s mechanism in the body is interesting because it seems to work by actually irritating the immune system.  Like waving a red flag in front of bull, Goldenseal goes in and whips the immune system into a frenzy which then proceeds to go on the warpath and attack any intruder.  A caveat to goldenseal is that it should not be taken for more than two weeks unless directed by a doctor.

4.         Astragalus

If Echinacea is the go-to immune herb in the western world, then Astragalus is its eastern counterpart.  It has been shown to be particularly effective against viral infections, both when used preventatively and once an infection has set in.  Another note about Astragalus is that it may have additional benefits for people with damaged immune systems such as a patients undergoing chemotherapy and/or radiation treatment.

5.         Honey

You read that right.  Honey has been shown to have anti-microbial effects.  If you have a sore throat, try adding honey to your tea to sweeten it.  Don’t like tea? Just let the honey run down the back of your throat.  A table spoon of honey up to three times per day should be plenty.  Buy your honey locally.  Honey that has been overly processed seems to lose these benefits.  Additionally, local honey has been shown to offer protection from local allergens.  That’s a twofer!

Try these immune-boosting tips and you should be on the rebound before you know it! Remember that every individual is unique and that your solution may also be a unique combination of any of these suggestions.  Before beginning any diet or supplement plan you should talk to your doctor or pharmacist for personalized direction.

If you have a question you would like addressed on Mail Monday, leave us a comment here or on our Facebook page.

Good luck and good health,
Joshua Long


Hoey Apothecary is a traditional pharmacy with a passion for holistic wellness.  From retail supplements to custom pharmaceutical compounding, we are here to support you and your unique wellness goals.  Visit us at 217 Cottage Grove Rd in Madison, WI or at our website at  Bridging the gap between nature and medicine - Hoey Apothecary!

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