Wednesday, September 11, 2013

5 reasons to do a whole body cleanse

Perhaps more than any other question I receive on a daily basis is, "Should I do a cleanse?"

Before we dive in to the reasons to do a cleanse, let's talk about what happens during a cleanse.
Most cleanses if not all focus largely on the digestive system.  The primary focus of a digestive cleanse is to get the crud (pardon my medical jargon) out of your intestines.  I like to use the simile of comparing your intestines to the pipes in your house.  You're born and you have clean, clear pipes without obstructions - just like a new home's plumbing.  Over time the pipes in your home accumulate various unsavory substances that cling to the lining of the pipes and cause things to flow more slowly.  This same type of slowdown applies to people as well.  More "stuff" clinging to the walls of the intestines results in a decreased diameter and may contribute to constipation and difficult stools.  Additionally, a critical function of the intestines is absorption of nutrients.  How can your intestines absorb when the walls are coated with a putrid goo?  Cleansing may help to alleviate these and other concerns by clearing the undesirable coating and allowing for better nutrient absorption.

Many cleansing kits on the market are considered systemic cleanses and will include ingredients meant to cleanse multiple organ systems.  We do naturally remove toxins from our body through multiple pathways.  The lungs, liver, kidneys, skin as well as the intestines all work to eliminate toxins.  Using a "whole body" cleanse can help to refresh these organ systems and give them a much needed break by giving them assistance.

So why do a cleanse? By now you are probably thinking of a few reasons on your own but let's hit some of the highlights:

1.  Toxins are everywhere and they are constantly bombarding you

Assuming that your diet is perfect (it is right?) you are still surrounded by carcinogens, formaldehydes, bromides, gases and other toxins that your body is constantly trying to filter through.  Just like you get behind at work sometimes and that pile of paperwork keeps getting higher, so too do the toxins accumulating in the body.  Factor in a few stops at your favorite fast food restaurant and you can see how the toxins mount.

2.  Digestion is not as smooth as it once was 

Going back to the issue of digestion, if you have not done a cleanse before prepare to be amazed.  Without being too graphic I will tell you that the things that come out of you will be a shock.  Think about it, for 20 - 30 - 40+ years you have been accumulating waste on the insides of your intestines and it is about to be cleared out.  Removing this plaque from the digestive track may not only ease your digestive process but it also may aid a plethora of other digestive issues including frequent constipation, irritable bowel symptoms and even acid reflux.

3.  Energy levels have fallen through the floor

Words cannot describe the difference you may feel after a cleanse as it relates to your energy.  It is the interior surfaces of the intestines that pull in nutrients from your food.  If those surfaces are "preoccupied" then those nutrients are passing right through unused.  No wonder we don't have any energy! Clear those surfaces off, however and enjoy the renewed vitality proper nutrient absorption provides.

4.  You are ready to start that new diet

If you are about to start a new diet then please do a cleanse.  What does a new diet represent after all?  It represents what you hope to be a change in lifestyle, in your health and in your situation.  Kick start that change with a cleanse and allow it to push you forward.  Cleansing can be both a catalyst to get you focused and it can also help you reach your goals.  Many people doing a first time cleanse can lose between 2-5 pounds just be shedding the garbage from their intestines.  I had a woman once tell me that she lost over 20 pounds over the course of a 2 week cleanse! Even if you don't lose 20 pounds you will feel lighter and healthier.

5.  It's time to kick that bad habit

Lastly, toxins insert themselves into your body and into your mind.  Whether it is smoking, alcohol, caffeine, drugs or just plain old junk food, bad habits are hard to break.  Doing a cleanse can help to eliminate the embedded toxins of these pollutants from your body and give you a chance to start relatively fresh.  While it may be hard to put into words the effect of cleansing on your mind - just knowing you have a new start can be the impetus you need to get past your bad habits and into new healthier ones.

Whether you are a first time cleanser or you have cleansed in times past, if you have not cleared your pipes recently perhaps you should consider a cleanse in the near future.  If you have any questions or concerns about cleansing feel free to contact Hoey Apothecary, a green pharmacy located in Madison, WI.  We would love to hear from you! 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

7 Foods That Affect Your Energy:

I recently came across this great article on foods and how they affect our energy levels.  What a great reminder! We think sometimes that when our energy is low we should grab anything, and more often than not it’s something sugary.  Well put that soda down and let’s talk about the best and worst foods for your energy:

  • Doughnuts
    • Refined, fried bread topped with simple sugars may seem like a tasty morning option but know that the boost is short lived and followed by a major crash!
  • White Bread
    • Here again, simple sugars with zero substance.  Have your lunch on whole grain bread instead for a more sustained release of energy.  Feeling adventurous? Try out Ezekiel bread on your sandwich tomorrow.
  • Spinach
    • Containing a natural source of B Vitamins which may help to boost your metabolism and gain more energy from the rest of your meal.
  • Beans
    • It is not the beans themselves that will contribute to your energy, but rather the fiber they contain.  Fiber can help to slow the absorption of sugars from your meal giving you a sustained boost.
  • Greek Yogurt
    • Blending Protein and fats, Greek yogurt is an excellent morning breakfast choice.  The protein fuels muscles while the fat provides a slow digesting energy source.
  • Quinoa
    • “An energy trifecta!” Quinoa is an natural source of 3 big energy boosters; fiber, fats, and protein.  Try adding quinoa to scrambled eggs and spinach for an energy mega-meal!

Source: (2013 September 4)Best and Worst Foods For Energy [Slideshow]Retrieved from,,20723540,00.html